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Tekke Gul

From Uwe Jourdan, Oriental Rugs: Volume 5 -- Turkoman (1989). Reprinted with permission.

Chemche Gul

From Werner Loges, Turkoman Tribal Rugs.

Gurbaghe Gul

From Uwe Jourdan, Oriental Rugs: Volume 5 -- Turkoman (1989). Reprinted with permission.

Chuval Gul


According to the Pinners, chuval guls use four central motifs: a reciprocal arrow, a twelve-triangle device, a rosette, and a simple quartered center. Image from Uwe Jourdan, Oriental Rugs: Volume 5 -- Turkoman (1989). Reprinted with permission.

Flag border

From Uwe Jourdan, Oriental Rugs: Volume 5 -- Turkoman (1989). Reprinted with permission.

Kochanak border

From Uwe Jourdan, Oriental Rugs: Volume 5 -- Turkoman (1989). Reprinted with permission.

Aina Gul

This aina comparmented gul has the "kochak" motif in the center and, hence, is called the aina kochak gul. Other motifs found in the center of the aina gul include the chuval gul, a reciprocal arrow device, and a stepped diamond. Image taken from Uwe Jourdan, Oriental Rugs: Volume 5 -- Turkoman (1989). Reprinted with permission.

Salor gul

From Uwe Jourdan, Oriental Rugs: Volume 5 -- Turkoman (1989). Reprinted with permission.

Shararch-palak gul

From Uwe Jourdan, Oriental Rugs: Volume 5 -- Turkoman (1989). Reprinted with permission.

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