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Old July 2nd, 2018, 06:27 PM   #18
Joy Richards
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 45

And here, of course, is where it shows what an ignoramus I am about these things. How can I determine whether it is a Caucasian with thin yarn, or a higher pile rug with thick yarn? I can only compare with the rugs I have, especially with how they feel to the hand.
It's soft and flexible to the touch, much more so than my not so old Baluch, but closer to the much older and more used Baluch which has little pile left on it. My large Heriz carpet has what I would call a high pile, but nothing like a Gabbeh.
If I measure the pile, it's a lot less than 1/4" and the pile is even across the whole rug. There is more wear and tear on the top fringe and a bit on the edges, but actually, it may not have seen that much use, given the very vibrant (but not garish) colours. I understand it came from an estate and may well have been rolled and kept out of the light for many decades. Would it help if I took another picture of a fold and a thumb or coin beside it?
We are about to hang it, between the two very worn Khusraw and Shirin rugs that saw a lot of action on Iranian tea room floors but at least Khusraw is sitting on his horse rather than hovering over it as in the example at page 184 of Parviz Tanavoli's Kings Heroes & Lovers.
I have lots of books, but hopeless at recognizing or identifying anything.
Two weeks ago I was ready to head for Uzbekistan and feast on the old suzanis and the probably overly resuscitated mosques, but that Caucusus region is now much more attractive. Will have to dig up a friend who speaks Russian.
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