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Thread: Repairing
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Old July 15th, 2020, 10:05 PM   #8
Carl Gray
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 7
Default I think I know what I am doing!

Hello Chuck and Dinie, thank you for your thoughts.

I think I'll go along with your suggestion and remove wefts in the kilim section back to the red yarn and secure the end one, probably using a similar method to that suggested by Robert Mann in a post on the Oriental Rug Repair Facebook group, also similar to warp replacement, where thread is passed under a few knot nodes from the back of the rug and over the end weft passing back under the adjacent warp knot nodes. I am guessing the at the end of one circuit thread follows the weft passing 4 or so warps before the process is repeated. Providing the right colour thread is used I think it might be almost invisible. I am also guessing that thread much thinner than the warp material, but sufficiently strong, can be used as it just needs to hold back the wefts... this should also make it much easier and, hopefully, quicker to do the job.

I might take a few pictures & post them back on this thread but don't hold your breath as it's quite far down on my list of things to do!

Thank you again and if you have any further thoughts I would be interested to read these.

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