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Old November 7th, 2014, 10:38 AM   #4
Steve Price
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 121

Hi Martin and Filiberto

I agree, and have been doing that for awhile, with one exception: I reduce the width of detail images to 450 pixels. Most of them are less than one-fourth of the width of the whole piece, some are less than one-tenth of it. The 450 pixel width gives very good detail.

Most monitors can handle extra width, but not all of them can. The other significant factor, maybe even more important, is the speed of the user's connection. Pages with numbers of very large image files (large file size, not necessarily image dimensions) take longer to download and can even cause internet service providers (satellite services) to reduce the download speeds for 24 hours. I doubt that anyone is still on dialup connections, but 3G is very slow, 4G is somewhat better, and cable providers vary a lot.

Steve Price
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